Cum era sa fiu pacalit de chinezii cu un mare scam

La cat de atent sunt eu sa nu fiu pacalit online cu vreun scam, era gata sa cad in plasa in urma cu cateva zile. De regula simt imediat cand cineva incearca sa ma pacaleasca cu vreun link, dar de data asta nu m-am prins din prima despre ce e vorba. Din fericire, dupa un anumit punct, mi-am dat seama ca suna a inselatorie online.

Cred ca in Belgia scam-urile (inselatoriile online sa le zic asa) sunt mult mai multe si mai bine puse la punct decat in Romania. Aici digitalizarea este foarte avansata si a ajuns la absolut toate categoriile de oameni. Fiind mult mai digitalizat totul, atunci automat si numarul inselatoriilor online este foarte mare si facut la o clasa mult superioara. Oamenii pica mai repede in plasa si platesc ceva online sau de pe vreun link dubios, mai ales ca 20-50-100€ nu e o suma mare si care sa te saraceasca.

Am mai vandut si eu una alta pe facebook market, dar numarul celor care incearca sa te pacaleasca este mult mai mare decat numarul de mesaje reale de la potentiali clienti. De SMS-uri spam nici nu mai vorbesc. Pana acum vreo 3 ani le primeai ca oricare alt mesaj. Trecea de orice filtru de securitate al operatorului de telefonie, dar in ultima vreme vad sunt marcate ca spam si nu ti le mai afiseaza printre mesajele normale. Le gasesti in categoria mesaje Spam & blocate.

Revenind la poveastea mea cu „chinezii”, totul s-a intamplat pe e-mail. Mesajul fiind destul de credibil scris, din punctul meu de vedere, ceea ce m-a si pacalit la prima citire. De regula, majoritatea e-mailurilor de inselatorie sunt mai aberante si te prinzi repede ca este vorba de un scam.

Primul e-mai primit de la „chinezi” – scrie primul Frank Liu (nume de chinez autentic)

(Please kindly forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. If you believe this has been sent to you in error, please ignore it. Thanks)

Dear CEO,

We are a Network Service Company which is the domain name registration center in Shanghai, China. We received an application from Hongyuan Ltd on September 20, 2023. They want to apply for „mystreet7” as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (,,, But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it’s necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your distributor or business partner in China?

Best Regards

Frank Liu | Service & Operations Manager

China Registry (Head Office)

Tel: +86-2161918696

Fax: +86-2161918697

Mob: +86-13816428671

No. 1780 Wuzhong Road, Shanghai 201103, China


This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.

Raspunsul meu catre Liu este urmatorul:

I have no contact with any person, firm / company in China. I have no connection or business in China.

The domain name I use „mystreet7” or „” I do not want to associate with anyone or any company.

I am the owner of the domain „”.

I do not know and have never heard of Hongyuan Ltd.

Best Regards,

Nu voiam sa ma asociez cu nimeni, nici sa asociez numele blogului cu vreo turnatorie de fiare vechi de prin capatu’ pamantului. Asag gandeam eu la momentul acela, crezand ca i-am dat sah mat si am terminat povestea pe vecie.

Dar chinezii nu se lasa. Ma cauta unu Zhihai Ning sa-mi zica ca are oo mai multe si mai mari :D. Si ca el tot isi deschide vulcanizare cu numele blogului meu, si ca i se rupe supapa de parerea mea.

To whom it concerns,

We will register the China domain names „” „” „” „” and internet keyword „mystreet7” and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr. Frank Liu’s approval. These CN domains and internet keyword are very important for us to promote our business in China. Although Mr. Frank Liu advised us to change another name, we will persist in this name.

Kind regards

Zhihai Ning

Urmeaza raspunsul meu cu adaugat in CC pe nea Frank Liu, fiind putin iritat ca i se rupe supapa lui Ning de mine:


As I have already informed Mr. Frank Liu, I do not agree, and I can’t allow you to use the name „mystreet7” and the domain to promote your business in Chine or elsewhere.

Thanks for understanding.

Best regards,

Atacul chinezilor pe timp de zi, dar am vazut-o de la distanta ca vine.

Aici a fost greseala lor. Trebuia sa mai traga putin de timp si sa o dea mai subtil. Cu toate ca e bine cum au facut pana acum. Ma contacteaza nea Frank Liu, creierul operatiunilor si zice:

Dear Alexandru,

Based on your company having no relationship with them, we have already suggested that they should choose another name to avoid this conflict, but they persist in this name as China domain names (,,, and internet keyword. In our opinion, maybe they do the similar business as your company then register it to promote their company.

As is known to all, the domain name registration based on the international principle is opened to company and individual. Any company or individual have the right to register any domain name and internet keyword which are unregistered. Your company haven’t registered this name as China domain names and internet keyword, so any company is able to obtain them by registration. But in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner have priority right to register China domain name and internet keyword during our dispute period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these China domain names (,,, and internet keyword to prevent anybody from using them, please inform us. We can send you an application form with price list to help your company register these China domain names and internet keyword during our dispute period if you want to register them.

Best Regards
Frank Liu | Service & Operations Manager
China Registry (Head Office)

Tel: +86-2161918696
Fax: +86-2161918697
Mob: +86-13816428671
No. 1780 Wuzhong Road, Shanghai 201103, China

This email contains privileged and confidential information intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this email and inform the sender immediately. We appreciate you respecting the confidentiality of this information by not disclosing or using the information in this email.

Aici mi-am dat seama de inselatorie. Cand a pomenit de lista cu preturi, i-am zis ca stiu faza asta amuzanta.


Good one. I almost didn’t see the trick.

Just for fun, what are the prices? I promise not to tell anyone.

Best regards,

Iar aici am gresit eu ca i-am zis, in loc sa le dau apa la moara si sa livreze preturile. Eram curios cat si ce ambitii aveau :). Daca aflam si preturile, era si mai interesanta povestea. In fine, aveti grija cu astfel de inselatorii online.

Ultima actualizare 15 septembrie 2024 by Alexandru Ionut

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